(this is probably going to be all over the place because I have a lot of days and events to cover) So the early morning travels started from Pulau Weh, then I got a ferry to Banda Aceh, next a flight to Kuala Lumpur, I raced off my flight and through immigration than ran with my luggage to the Air Asia booth and asked for the next flight to Bali, I just about got one an hour later but then it would have been an extra $90 because I had luggage to check and you have to give them 4 hours notice. So booked a flight 5 hours later and then went in the Starbucks and hung out with a girl who was on her way to Singapore who i also got the flight from Banda Aceh with. While sitting in Starbucks I though I recognized a guy who was ordering his drink, so I went over and discovered it was one of the guys I befriended on Koh Rong in Cambodia! He was headed to Borneo with one of the other girls from Koh Rong and I was on my way to Bali to meet the other 3 of their group. I couldnt believe how sm...