First off there were the spiders that were all over, they were massive and always decided to build their webs on the only path along the coast. So I decided to take a vacation from travelling and settle down somewhere for a bit. And I dont think I could have picked a nicer place! Pulau Weh is and island on the very north west tip of Indonesia I found a nice bungalow for 60000 ID (about $6) a night and just hung out for 2 weeks. There were lots of monkeys on the island but unlike some other places in asia they didnt try to steal things so they werent a problem. One day I rented a motorbike and drove around the island for a bit. I though I was heading to a waterfall in this picture but I never made it :/ I did make it to Kilometre 0 however, which is the very most western point you can get to. This is the view from the restaurant at my bungalows where you can see the island Pulau Rubiah just across the island . Just on the other side...
Documenting my 6 month trip through Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, & Vietnam!